Saturday, October 30, 2010

Goldilocks New Logo

Out with the old...

..and in with the new.

The Goldilocks of our childhood has succumbed to the demands of global economics. The most obvious indicator is the company's decision to modernize its logo.  They've retired the freckled Pipi Longstocking-esque (who incidentally reminds me of that bratty contravida of Melissa Sue-Anderson's version of Little House on the Prairie in the late 70s' ) to a rendering of their company name in today's font-of-the-moment. Which is kind of odd because in my humble opinion, the market relates so much to the brand's ability to evoke nostalgia,old fashioned and white picket fence values through its fresh from the oven goodies.  Sayang.  

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fried Prawns in Cereal!

My first experience with Fried Prawns in Cereal was in a street market in Kuala Lumpur. I've never had privilege of trying that dish again. There are not too many restos in Manila that serves it so my taste buds watered ( nag water-water ako) when I read this review. Would love to try it soon.