Monday, August 30, 2010

Very High End Mooncakes I'm Sure!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Would You Sell Your Mother-In-Law To Check In Here?

Lobby of the Peninsula Hongkong
What is it about grand heritage hotels that fascinate people like me? Is it the lure of nostalgia? The fond remembrance of a gentler, more noble past? A longing for simpler times when a great divide separated humanity and technology. When time was quantified in days and years and months, not milliseconds. When people labored on perfecting their manners as well as their penmanships. When Sunday’s Best meant dressing up for Mass and when men wore dapper suits, tipped their hats and offered a ready arm for the ladies to hold on to while strolling along open aired paseos and tree-lined boulevards.

It may also stem from an interest in colonial history. Most of Southeast Asia’s grand residences were built under the watch of occupying masters. The Grand Dame of Manila, The Manila Hotel was built during the American occupation. The Raffles Hotel of Singapore and Peninsula Hongkong where protectorates of the mighty British empire. I’m not too sure about the 130-year old Bangkok Mandarin Oriental. But isn’t Mandarin Oriental a Chinese/ British company? That said, these hotels must have been a showcase for the colonial administration to show off their achievements to the watching world. Like showing off the best silver and china when you have friends over for dinner. “See what we’ve done. We’ve civilized the natives . Educated them. Built roads and bridges.. and nice hotels.”

The Author's Lounge, The Oriental Bangkok
Drawing Room, Raffles Singapore
Champagne Room, Manila Hotel

Despite that, these are legacies worth keeping. All, except for The Manila Hotel have maintained their standing. It is my hope that I will get to experience them. Sooner than later I hope.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Loaf of Bread, A Container of Milk, And a Stick of Buttah!

Hehehe.  Mommy, Mommy I remember!!!!  But when I was young, I always thought it was " a loaf of bread, POTATO AND MILK, and a stick a' butter." Harhar!

5 Minutes of Fame For Those Sentenced 5 Years to Life

Hardened criminals turned into You Tube celebrities. Petty and professional crooks in the southern island of Cebu became the toast of the internet world after their "Thriller" production number became the novelty act of 2008. Quick to capitalize on the death of Mr. Jackson, Hollywood flew to the island and made this video which they plan to include in a commemorative album for the "Gloved One". I just hope the Gringos paid the city government enough to better the living conditions in the Cebu pentitentiary. The Philippines as a whole has uber deplorable jail system. Here's hoping something positive comes out of this stunt.