Sunday, September 26, 2010

World Embraces Charice

Please allow me one more post about Charice. I chanced upon this You Tube post about the diminutive singer from these isles. Maybe a few months before her Glee debut. Its a love fest of international proportions with Oprah, Justin Timberlake, Ellen Degeneres, Patti LaBelle, Michael Buble, David Spade, Leno and other marquee names from around the world singing praises to, whom I will know christen as P-4 (Pintt-sized Pinay Pipe Princess).  Watch and let your inner Pinoy swell with pride.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunshine Rains on Rachel's Parade!

The Philippines' "pride of the moment" Charice debuts in the first episode of GLEE Season 2. The little lady with the big voice delivered the goods. Especially during the audition sequence where members of New Directions cheered her delicious performance while resident diva stewed and simmered in her own insecurity. The episode's twist? - Charice gets pirated by New Direction's arch nemesis - Vocal Adrenaline.