Saturday, November 27, 2010

YOODLOO-LE-EEYO, YOODLOO-LE-EE-II, Life in the country is the life fer me..

 This is probably one of my favorite ditties in Sesame Street.

In the 70s, Dad would take us on weekend trips to his hometown in  Santa Maria Bulacan. He'd be in the driver’s seat, my  Mom making small talk beside him and their 4 little brats “behaved” in the car seat behind them.  I recall playing this ditty in my head as  the vista outside the car window changed from paved highways and buildings to rice fields , coconut trees, cows and stray chickens. Hehehe. I’m such a nerd!

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

Hey! I remember this! But I didn't know you thought of it EVERYTIME we went to Bulacan. Hahahaha!