Sunday, June 19, 2011

Intramuros rehabilitation should take inspiration from Macau's Senado Square

Macau's Senado Square. A tourism gem that our guys from Department of Tourism can learn from.
Starbuck's at Senado Square

In my opinion,the publicized plan for the rehabilitation,or should I say revitalization, of the Intramuros district into a viable hub for tourism and commercialization should take inspiration from Macau's Senado Square. From what I know, Senado Square is the colonial center of Macau when it was under Portugal. The square houses the old Senate building, the post office and various churches including the iconic ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral. I had the pleasure of visiting the square and was amazed to see a happy and successful integration of modern businesses and the historic district's colonial architecture.

I would love for our Intramuros Administration to consider this, and the other suggestion to make Manila's Walled City a no-car zone. Maybe not the entire complex but that block where the Manila Cathedral, San Agustin and Casa Manila still stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to see you writing again - brain eater